February 17 – Mark 1:35-45
Jesus spent time praying in solitude, especially in the stillness of early morning (as in this passage) or late into the night when the world was at its quietest. If Jesus needed to get away to be with His Father, how much more do we need to get away to be with God!
When we take time to pray in solitude and when we take time to listen to God in silence and stillness, the worries and troubles of this world fade into the background, and we remember important truths like… God is in control. He loves us dearly. He longs for relationship with us. And we can better hear God’s voice when we get away with Him. He is no longer drowned out by the noise of this world and the distractions that keep us from listening well.

Follow Jesus’ example by spending time in solitude today, praying to and listening for God. Ash Wednesday is traditionally a day for repentance and self-reflection, so as you talk to God, pray as David did: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). If He reveals an “offensive way” in you, confess it, and ask for His help changing it. He is all about forgiveness, redemption, and transformation.
After praying, Jesus always returned to the work God had given Him. This time, He moved on to people who had not yet heard Him preach, and as He was doing so, He encountered a man with leprosy who showed great faith in Jesus. The man said to Him, “If you are willing, you can make me clean” (v. 40). The NIV says that Jesus was “indignant” at this. Most other translations say He was “moved with compassion,” which is the reading that is better supported by source manuscripts. Either way, Jesus was not “indignant” with the man, for He was never indignant with anyone expressing faith in Him. If He was indignant, it was with the suffering in this world broken by sin. He only had compassion for the sufferers. Just as He has compassion for you.
In your time of quiet reflection with the Lord, consider what brokenness you need to bring to Jesus. Bring it to Him now. Sense His compassion for you and His gentle touch upon your heart.