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March 30 -- John 12:37-50

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” –Galatians 1:10 (NIV)

In spite of Jesus’ miracles, the Jewish leaders refused to declare Him the Messiah. This fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which said that many people would not believe (see Isaiah 6:10 and 53:1). We know that at least two members of the Sanhedrin (Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea) believed in Jesus, and more must have believed as well. This passage tells us that many believed—“even among the leaders”—but they feared being “put out of the synagogue” if they openly professed their faith (v. 42). Verse 43 tells us that “they loved human praise more than praise from God.”

Jesus said whoever believes in Him also believes in the Father, who sent Him. Jesus added that He came into the world “as a light” so no one who believes in Him will stay in darkness (v. 46). He doesn’t judge those who reject Him; instead, His words, which come directly from the Father, lead to eternal life. Therefore, those who reject Him will be judged by the words themselves. If they reject the words of eternal life, they are judged already (see John 3:17-19).

Others’ opinions can be more important to us than they should be. That’s why this topic comes up regularly in Scripture (see the quote from Galatians above). It’s a real issue. Many people in Jesus’ day feared the opinions of others more than they desired to follow Him. Their fear was a kind of betrayal. Ours can be, too, if we allow that fear to cause us to turn toward pleasing people and away from our desire for a deeper relationship with God. It’s good to do some self-examination every so often to determine if we are trying harder to please people than we are to follow Christ.

Ask God to reveal how your fears inhibit your faith—your fears of others’ opinions and your fears in general. Ask Him to help you overcome your fears with a clear understanding of His love and power. Thank Him for His patience with you and His never-ending love.




My name is Melissa Anderson. I'm a spiritual director and ordained pastor who loves God, people, and words. You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

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